
Users can log in to your Claimable account.

User objects represent a person who has access to your Claimable account and who can log in, modify data, perform activities based on their privilege level as defined by their role and company.

Users are often referred to by other objects, such as to indicate who is the creator or assignee of a given record.

The User Object

AttributeData TypeDescription
idIntegerThe unique ID for the user given by Claimable.
first_nameStringThe user's first or given name
last_nameStringThe user's last or family name.
full_nameStringRead Only

Combination of first_name and last_name
display_nameStringRead Only

Abbreviated name consisting of first_name + first character of last_name.
emailStringThe user's email address. Used to login to Claimable and for system notifications.
claimable_mailbox_addressStringRead Only

The user's unique Claimable email address from which Claimable-generated email is sent and to which any replies are received.
statusStringRead Only

The current status of the user, which can either be "active", "inactive" or "invited".
roleStringA string representing the user's login role, which defines what level of access they have to your Claimable account.

One of: "administrator", "manager", "claim_handler", "contributor" & "claim_creator".
externalBooleanRead Only

Indicates if the user belongs to an organisation external to your company.
company_nameStringRead Only

The name of the company to which this user belongs.
mfa_enabledBooleanRead Only

Indicates if the user has Multi-Factor Authentication enabled on their account.
mfa_enabled_methodsArrayRead Only

An array of strings showing which Multi-Factor Authentication methods are enabled. Available methods are "totp", "sms" and "recovery".
avatar_colorStringRead Only

A hex colour code of the user's in-app avatar/icon primary colour.
avatar_initialsStringRead Only

The user's initials as displayed on their in-app avatar/icon.
avatar_svgStringRead Only

A string containing an SVG file of the users in-app avatar/icon.
created_claims_countObjectRead Only

Shows the number of claims created by this user, split into open and closed claims.
assigned_claims_countObjectRead Only

Shows the number of claims assigned to this user, split into open and closed claims.
created_tasks_countObjectRead Only

Shows the number of tasks created by this user, split into open and closed tasks
created_tasks_countObjectRead Only

Shows the number of tasks assigned to this user, split into open and closed tasks
last_active_atTimestampRead Only

A timestamp showing when the user was last active on Claimable.
Example User Object
    "id": 1234,
    "first_name": "Eric",
    "last_name": "Cartman",
    "full_name": "Eric Cartman",
    "display_name": "Eric C.",
    "email": "",
    "claimable_mailbox_address": "",
    "status": "active",
    "role": "manager",
    "external": false,
    "company_name": "Claimable",
    "mfa_enabled": false,
    "mfa_enabled_methods": [],
    "avatar_color": "#bbb2d2",
    "avatar_initials": "EC",
    "avatar_svg": "<svg height=\"26\" width=\"26\"> <rect fill=\"#bbb2d2\" x=\"0\" y=\"0\" width=\"26\" height=\"26\" rx=\"1\"></rect> <text font-family=\"Helvetica-Bold, Helvetica\" x=\"14\" y=\"17\" font-size=\"11\" font-weight=\"bold\" letter-spacing=\"1\" fill=\"#3c3353\" text-anchor=\"middle\" alignment-baseline=\"central\">EC</text> </svg>",
    "created_claims_count": {
        "total": 0,
        "open": 0,
        "closed": 0
    "assigned_claims_count": {
        "total": 363,
        "open": 20,
        "closed": 0
    "created_tasks_count": {
        "total": 846,
        "open": 844,
        "closed": 2
    "assigned_tasks_count": {
        "total": 1402,
        "open": 1262,
        "closed": 140
    "last_active_at": "2023-02-27T17:23:51.329Z"