
Claim objects are the main container for all claim data, with various related nested records.

Claim objects represent the top-level "container" for all claim-related records, some of which are stored as attributes on the Claim object itself and others are stored in nested objects.

The Claim Object

AttributeData TypeDescription
idIntegerThe unique ID for the claim given by Claimable.
titleStringThe title of the claim. If blank, the claimant name will be used.
typeStringClaimable slug for the claim type.
incident_typeStringClaimable slug for the incident type.
sub_incident_typeStringClaimable slug for the sub-incident type.
claimantObjectA ClaimParty object.
insuredObjectA ClaimParty object.
reported_atTimestampThe date/time the incident/claim was reported to your organisation.
incident_occurred_atTimestampThe date/time the incident occurred.
statusStringOne of: open, closed

Default: open
status_changed_byIntegerRead Only

The ID of the user who last closed or re-opened the claim.
opened_atTimestampRead Only

A timestamp showing when the claim status was last changed to open.
closed_atTimestampA timestamp showing when the claim status was last changed to closed.
claim_durationIntegerRead Only

The elapsed time in days since the claim was created to the current date, if the claim is open, or until closed_at, if the claim is closed.
incident_descriptionStringA description of the incident and how the claim came about.
claim_refStringAn alternative claim reference, besides the ID assigned by Claimable. Useful if you have an internal claim numbering/referencing system.
external_claim_refStringThe claim reference of the client, insurer, broker, underwriter, or any other external company who has issued their own claim reference.
incident_location_address_line1StringThe first line of the incident/claim location address.
incident_location_address_line2StringThe second line of the incident/claim location address.
incident_location_address_line3StringThe third line of the incident/claim location address.
incident_location_address_cityStringThe town/city of the incident/claim location address.
incident_location_address_stateStringThe state/county of the incident/claim location address.
incident_location_address_postcodeStringThe postcode/zipcode of the incident/claim location address.
incident_location_address_countryStringRead Only

The country of the incident/claim location address. Set via incident_location_address_country_code.
incident_location_address_country_codeStringThe ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 3-letter country code for the country of the incident/claim location address (e.g. 'gbr' = United Kingdom).

Sets incident_location_address_country.
incident_location_descriptionStringA brief description of the location if a street address is not relevant, or simply to provide more specifics.
policy_noStringThe policy number or reference under which this claim is being intimated, if applicable.
estimated_claim_costIntegerThe estimated claim cost in cents.
actual_claim_costIntegerThe actual claim cost in cents.
settled_amountIntegerThe settled amount in cents.
reserve_amountIntegerThe total claim reserve in cents.
excess_amountIntegerThe claim/policy excess in cents.
total_reserveIntegerRead Only

The sum of all reserves in cents.
total_paidIntegerRead Only

The sum of all payments in cents.
outstanding_reserveIntegerRead Only

The difference between the total reserve and total paid, in cents.
assigned_toIntegerThe id of the user who is assigned as the claim handler.
assigned_atTimestampRead Only

When the claim was assigned to the assigned_to user.
conversations_countIntegerThe number of all conversations on the claim.
open_conversations_countIntegerThe number of open conversations on the claim.
closed_conversations_countIntegerThe number of closed conversations on the claim.
tasks_countIntegerThe number of all tasks on the claim.
outstanding_tasks_countIntegerThe number of open tasks on the claim.
completed_tasks_countIntegerThe number of completed tasks on the claim.
clientIntegerThe id of the client linked to the claim.
brokerIntegerThe id of the broker linked to the claim.
insurerIntegerThe id of the insurer linked to the claim.
last_activity_atTimestampRead Only

A timestamp showing when the most recent activity was performed on the claim.
last_activity_keyStringRead Only

A string that represents what the most recent activity is.
last_activity_descriptionStringRead Only

A description of the most recent activity.
last_activity_byIntegerRead Only

The ID of the user who performed the last activity on the claim.
Example Claim Object
  "id": 1,
  "title": "David Smith",
  "type": "property",
  "labels": [
  "incident_type": "theft",
  "sub_incident_type": "break_in",
  "claimant": {
    "first_name": "John",
    "last_name": "Smith",
    "email": "",
    "id": 1,
    "match_existing": true,
    "role": "main_contact"
  "insured": {
    "first_name": "John",
    "last_name": "Smith",
    "email": "",
    "id": 1,
    "match_existing": true,
    "role": "main_contact"
  "reported_at": "2020-12-13T09:45:12Z",
  "incident_occurred_at": "2020-12-12T16:32:34Z",
  "status": "open",
  "status_changed_by": 1234,
  "opened_at": "2023-05-11T14:55:58.934Z",
  "closed_at": null,
  "claim_duration": 84,
  "incident_description": "Break in via kitchen windown and stolen TV.",
  "claim_ref": "ABC123",
  "external_claim_ref": "XYZ789",
  "incident_location_address_line1": "1 Mentmore Terrace",
  "incident_location_address_line2": "",
  "incident_location_address_line3": "",
  "incident_location_address_city": "London",
  "incident_location_address_state": "London",
  "incident_location_address_postcode": "E8 3PN",
  "incident_location_address_country": "United Kingdom",
  "incident_location_address_country_code": "gbr",
  "incident_location_description": "Lower ground floor kitchen.",
  "policy_no": "XXX-111-222",
  "estimated_claim_cost": 100000,
  "actual_claim_cost": 100000,
  "settled_amount": 100000,
  "reserve_amount": 100000,
  "excess_amount": 100000,
  "total_reserve": 200000,
  "total_paid": 100000,
  "outstanding_reserve": 100000,
  "last_activity_at": "2023-06-09T14:54:32.575Z",
  "last_activity_key": "claim.note.create",
  "last_activity_description": "Created note",
  "last_activity_by": 9,
  "conversations_count": 55,
  "open_conversations_count": 2,
  "closed_conversations_count": 48,
  "tasks_count": 44,
  "outstanding_tasks_count": 13,
  "completed_tasks_count": 31,
  "assigned_to": 1234,
  "assigned_at": "2023-06-08T13:51:12.575Z",
  "client": 111,
  "broker": 222,
  "insurer": 333

The ClaimParty Object

The ClaimParty object defines a contact or company who can be either or both claimant and insured on a claim.

AttributeData TypeDescription
idIntegerThe Claimable contact ID if linking an existing contact.

If present, match_existing is always true.
first_nameStringRequired - unless is_business is true.

The first name of the contact to create or link. If is_business is true, this becomes the first name of the primary contact person for that business.
last_nameStringRequired - unless is_business is true.

The last name of the contact to create or link. If is_business is true, this becomes the last name of the primary contact person for that business.
business_nameStringRequired - if is_business is true.

The name of the business to create or link if is_business is true, indicating the contact is refers to a business entity rather than an individual.

If is_business is false, the business_name refers to the business to which the individual is related to.
is_businessBooleanDefault: false

Indicates if the contact to create or link refers to an individual (false) or business (true).
emailStringThe email of the contact to create or link.
match_existingBooleanDefault: true

If true, use the existing contact if an existing record can be found (exact match). Otherwise, create new.
roleStringClaimable slug for the contact role.
liabilityStringClaimable slug for the contact liability.