
Tasks belong on per-claim checklists and can be assigned to users and given due dates.

Each claim has a Checklist comprising of multiple tasks. Each task therefore belongs to a claim and can be assigned to a user, have a due date/time and be "outstanding" or "completed", among other things.

Tasks are the primary way of managing todos and reminders in Claimable. Users can choose to receive daily task reminder emails and claim Checklists can be automatically populated with task templates that repeat on every claim, based on claim type.

Tasks must belong to a claim and can't exist outside of a claim.

The Task Object

AttributeData TypeDescription
idIntegerThe unique ID for the task given by Claimable.
titleStringThe main title of the task. This is the primary descriptor of what the task entails and the main way users will identify the task.
descriptionStringA free text description providing further information about this task.
positionIntegerA 0-indexed integer indicating the position of this task on the claim Checklist.
repeatingBooleanRead Only

Indicates if the task was automatically created as part of automated Checklists.
due_atTimestampWhen the task is due to be completed.
assigned_atTimestampRead Only

When the task was assigned to the assigned_to user.
assigned_byIntegerRead Only

Who assigned the task to the assigned_to user.
assigned_toIntegerThe user to which this task is assigned.
completedBooleanRead Only

Indicates if this task is completed (true) or outstanding (false).
completed_atTimestampRead Only

When this task was completed.
completed_byIntegerRead Only

The user who completed this task.
typeStringOne of call, email, follow_up, letter, meeting, payment, report, review, visit, other to categorise the action/event that needs to be carried out to complete this task.
claimIntegerThe ID of the claim to which this task belongs.
created_atTimestampRead Only

The date/time the task was created.
updated_atTimestampRead Only

The date/time the task was created.
Example Task Object
  "id": 12345,
  "title": "Call claimant to get more info",
  "description": "Need to request further evidence",
  "assigned_at": "2024-06-02T12:20:21.134Z",
  "completed_at": "2024-06-02T12:20:21.134Z",
  "due_at": "2024-08-01T10:20:21.134Z",
  "assigned_by": 1234,
  "assigned_to": 1234,
  "completed_by": 1234,
  "position": 1,
  "labels": [
  "repeating": false,
  "completed": true,
  "type": "follow_up",
  "claim": 12345