
Companies are organisations associated with your claims such as clients and suppliers.

Companies provide a way to link claims to organisations that your business has a commercial relationship with. For example this could be clients, insurers, brokers, suppliers, repairers, adjusters etc.

Similar to how contacts are linked to claims to show who is involved, such as claimants, policyholders and third parties, companies provide a way to associate claims with the businesses you're working for (e.g. clients, insurers etc.), collaborating with (e.g. brokers, adjusters etc.) or instructing to carry out work (suppliers, repairers, lawyers etc.).

The Company Object

AttributeData TypeDescription
idIntegerThe unique ID for the company given by Claimable.

The name of the company.

One of: supplier, repairer, adjuster, surveyor, lawyer, client, broker, insurer or any custom types configured on your account.
emailStringThe email address of the company. Must be a valid email address.
office_numberStringThe main/office phone number for the company.
office_faxStringThe main/office fax number for the company.
websiteStringThe website URL associated with the company.
tax_registration_noStringThe government tax/VAT ID of the company.
address_line1StringThe first line of the company's address
address_line2StringThe second line of the company's address.
address_line3StringThe third line of the company's address.
address_cityStringThe town/city of the company's address.
address_stateStringThe state/county of the company's address.
address_postcodeStringThe postcode/zipcode of the company's address.
address_countryStringRead Only

The country of the company's address. Set via address_country_code.
address_country_codeStringThe ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 3-letter country code for the country of the company's address (e.g. 'gbr' = United Kingdom).

Sets address_country.
beneficiary_account_account_numberStringThe account number of the company's beneficiary bank account for the purpose of making payments.
beneficiary_account_bank_nameStringThe name of the bank holding the company's beneficiary bank account for the purpose of making payments.
beneficiary_account_holder_nameStringThe bank account holder's name of the company's beneficiary bank account for the purpose of making payments.

Defaults to the company's name if blank.
beneficiary_account_ibanStringThe IBAN number of the company's beneficiary bank account for the purpose of making payments.
beneficiary_account_sort_codeStringThe sort code (UK/Ireland) of the company's beneficiary bank account for the purpose of making payments.
beneficiary_account_swift_bicStringThe SWIFT/BIC of the company's beneficiary bank account for the purpose of making payments.
created_atTimestampRead Only

The date/time the company was created.
updated_atTimestampRead Only

The date/time the company was last updated.
created_byIntegerRead Only

The id of the user who created the company.
updated_byIntegerRead Only

The id of the user who last updated the company.
Example Company Object
  "id": 123456,
  "name": "Redwood Claims",
  "type": "client",
  "email": "",
  "office_phone": "0207 333 2222",
  "office_fax": "0207 333 2223",
  "website": "",
  "address_line1": "1 Mentmore Terrace",
  "address_line2": "",
  "address_line3": "",
  "address_city": "London",
  "address_state": "London",
  "address_postcode": "E8 3PN",
  "address_country": "United Kingdom",
  "address_country_code": "gbr",
  "beneficiary_account_account_number": "12345674",
  "beneficiary_account_bank_name": "HSBC",
  "beneficiary_account_holder_name": "David Mentmore",
  "beneficiary_account_iban": "GB26MIDL40051512345674",
  "beneficiary_account_sort_code": "400515",
  "beneficiary_account_swift_bic": "HBUKGB4BXXX",
  "created_at": "2020-07-08T11:42:29.584Z",
  "updated_at": "2020-12-01T10:02:51.120Z",
  "created_by": 123,
  "updated_by": 456