Objects Overview

An overview of the various object types available via the Claimable API.

The Claimable API exposes various objects through a series of endpoints. Each object has attributes in a JSON format, that can be sent and received, via a request to an API endpoint.

The following list is a summary of all objects, but you can see the full object definition, with attribute explanations, on the detail page for each one.

Summary of Objects

ClaimClaim objects represent the top-level "container" for all claim-related records, some of which are stored as attributes on the Claim object itself and others are stored in nested objects.
ContactContact objects represent individuals or businesses who can be linked to claims, such as claimants, witnesses, third parties etc. Each contact can be linked to multiple claims.

Contacts can also be linked to companies to indicate they belong to that company in some capacity, such as an employee or member of staff.
CompanyCompany objects provide a way to link claims to organisations that your business has a commercial relationship with. For example this could be clients, insurers, brokers, suppliers, repairers, adjusters etc.
DamageDamage objects represent damage caused to the subject of the claim, along with any reserve amounts. They can only exist nested within a claim and therefore must belong to a parent Claim object.
PaymentPayment objects represent payments or transactions relating to claims. They can only exist nested within a claim and therefore must belong to a parent Claim object.
TaskTask objects provide a way to manage per-claim workflow and productivity. They reside on claim checklists and can be assigned to users and given due dates.
NoteNote objects provide a way to record a text-based narrative about a parent object. They must belong to a parent object, which can be either a Claim, Contact or Company.
DocumentDocument objects are metadata wrappers for files uploaded to their parent object. They must belong to a parent object, which can be either a Claim, Contact or Company.
UserUser objects represent a person who has access to your Claimable account. Users are referred to by other objects, such as to indicate who is the creator or assignee of a given record.
LabelLabel objects represent labels that are used within the Claimable UI to group, categorise or tag claims, contacts, companies & documents.