Endpoints Overview

An overview of the various endpoints available via the Claimable API.

Endpoints are categorised into groups based on the object they relate to, such as Claims, Contacts etc. and each one shows the URL and operation that can be performed (e.g. GET, POST etc.).

Summary of Endpoints

Endpoint GroupDescription
ClaimsCreate, list/search, fetch and update claims.
ContactsCreate, list/search, fetch and update contacts.
CompaniesCreate, list/search, fetch and update companies.
DamagesCreate, list, fetch, update and delete damages and reserves nested within a parent claim record.
TasksList and fetch tasks nested with a parent claim.
NotesCreate, list, fetch, update and delete notes nested within a parent claim, contact or company record.
DocumentsList and fetch documents nested within a parent claim, contact or company record.
PaymentsCreate, list, fetch, update and delete payments.
UsersList and fetch user records.
LabelsList and fetch label records.