
How to diagnose and resolve the most common API errors.

The Claimable API will return an error if something is wrong with a request. Each error is designated by a HTTP Status Code, all of which mean slightly different things.

The following table summarises the most common errors you will encounter with suggested ways to resolve them. If you still have problems, let us know and we'll be happy to help!

Claimable API Errors

HTTP Error CodeMeaningSuggested Resolution
401 - Unauthorized Your API token is either missing, invalid or expired.Check that:

- you are including the Authorization header on all requests.
- your API token is correct.
- your API token has not expired or been revoked.
403 - ForbiddenYou are not allowed to access the endpoint or resource.Review our API Endpoints to check the endpoint you are trying to access is available.

Also, make sure the ID of the resource you are requesting is correct and valid.
404 - Not Found The endpoint or resource you are trying to access can not be found.Make sure the request is to one of the available Endpoints and check that any resource ID is correct and valid.
400 - Bad RequestYour request seems to be malformed or invalid in some way, such as missing or malformed headers, or an invalid JSON payload sent with POST or PATCH requests.Check your request URL and headers are all structured properly.

Check you are sending valid and syntactically correct JSON in the body of your request.

It's easy to miss some quotes (") or commas (,) or have some invalid characters, so these are good things to check first!

If in doubt, ask us for help!
422 - Unprocessable Entity The API understands the JSON payload you are sending, but the specific attribute values are considered invalid and can therefore not be applied.The response body will tell you why validation failed, allowing you to resolve the problem and retry.
429 - Too Many RequestsYou have made too many requests in quick succession and have encountered a "rate limit".Wait for a while before trying your request again.

If you're running a script or code that issues many API requests, we recommend building in a delay to prevent 429 errors.

If you are using a background job/messaging queue, we recommend using some retry logic with exponential backoff to automatically retry requests, while avoiding hitting the rate limit.


Need Help?

If you have questions or just need to bounce ideas off someone technical 🤓 drop us a line via the chat, or at!