Integrate Claimable with other tools via an intuitive interface.
To help users make the most of the API and easily integrate with other software with minimal technical input, Claimable has integrated with Zapier.
🔎 What is Zapier?
Zapier is an automation tool that helps tie together two or more tools to take advantage of their functionalities and pull data from one platform to another. With Zapier you can automate simple tasks with just a few clicks and almost no code. Zapier gives you access to 7,000+ apps that you can integrate with Claimable.
🗒️ Why use Zapier?
Zapier helps you to connect Claimable with other software your company uses and sync claims data with minimal code to ensure data consistency across your business.
Zapier is a great choice when you need to build simple integrations and your company has limited technical resources and time. Zapier does not require any code and can be used by anyone with limited technical knowledge.
Explore Zapier
Signup to start using Zapier for free.
Claimable is not officially affiliated with Zapier in any way and we do no receive commission, but we have partnered with them to help our users build integrations and benefit from their library of add-ons, as an alternative to custom, code-based API development.
Updated 4 months ago