
New Tasks Endpoints

Our latest release introduces new endpoints to fetch tasks via the Claimable API:

When making these GET requests to fetch tasks, in the response we include useful metadata relating to each task that you can use when building your integration, such as for advanced reporting, calculating SLAs, sync'ing with calendars/scheduling tools etc.

Some of the metadata in the response payload includes:

  • assigned_to - the user currently assigned to the task, if anyone.
  • assigned_at - a timestamp showing when the task was assigned.
  • assigned_by - the user who assigned the task.
  • completed_by - the user who completed the task.
  • completed_at - when the task was completed.
  • type - describes the event or action that needs to take place in order to perform the task, such as a "call" or "email".
  • labels - shows any labels attached to the task, such as "urgent".

The List & Search Tasks and List & Search Tasks on Claim endpoints also support scoping and searching. You can use the s query param to search task titles and the scope query param lets you filter tasks by:

  • completed - all tasks that have been completed.
  • outstanding - all incomplete tasks that are still outstanding.
  • overdue - all outstanding tasks that were due to be completed before today (overdue).
  • today - all outstanding tasks that are due today.
  • upcoming - all outstanding tasks that are due in the future (tomorrow onwards).

You can also combine the s and scope params with the following additional parameters, allowing you to further narrow down results:

  • assigned_to - filters all tasks assigned to a given user.
  • assigned_by - filters all tasks assigned by a given user.
  • completed_by - filters all tasks completed by a given user.
  • completed_at_from - filters all tasks that were completed on or after the date provided.
  • completed_at_to - filters all tasks that were completed on or before the date provided.
  • due_at_from - filters all tasks that are due on or after the date provided.
  • due_at_to- filters all tasks that are due on or before the date provided.



Tasks are webhook-enabled, so you can receive task objects as a JSON payload delivered to a URL of your choosing, when certain events happen, such as a task being created or completed.

You can read more about the new Tasks endpoints on the API Reference pages below:
